REBEL8 - maybe I'm wrong, but I thought you lived in NYC --- a place I would hardly consider atheist "unfriendly." I suppose there could be some neighborhoods with pockets of anti atheist sentiment. . . . Please set me straight if I'm wrong!
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Are you an "out of the closet" atheist?
by rebel8 ini'm atheist and not ashamed of it.
however, it is so politically incorrect, especially where i live.
i have a legitimate concern that being out of the closet too much will hurt my career or neighborly relations--i know for a fact it probably would.. i'm really cautious about who i tell.. how about you?
A Breath of Fresh Air... (Spoiler Alert!)
by Gustv Cintrn inhi!.
breakfast of champions
That is pretty amazing. It must mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion.
What's kind of funny is how basically the witnesses contribution to bloodless surgery is that they make the perfect guinea pigs.
What they fail to mention is that the actual doctors and scientists who came up with bloodless procedures are members of false religion: Jews, Muslims, and "so-called Christians". . . .
I'm sure some of those docs are awful, terrible atheists as well!
El, Baal and JHVH
by Doug Mason inone of the most important sources that we have for the most ancient stages of the religion of israel are some epic texts about the gods of canaan that were found in an archaeological excavation in a place called ras shamra (ancient ugarit) early in the twentieth century.
these epics reveal a very rich ancient canaanite mythology, especially in the elaborated stories of the gods el and baal and their rivals and consorts.
while, of course, the israelite branch of the canaanite group partly defined itself through the rejection of this mythology, much of the imagery and narrative allusions that we find in the works of the israelite prophets, the psalms, and other biblical poetic texts are best illuminated through comparison with these ancient texts.
breakfast of champions
Check this out later. . . ..
Mass Slaughter of Animals in Hindu Festival
by cofty inthousands of animals have been slaughtered at a religious ceremony in nepal.
the gadhimai festival takes place every 5 years.
apparently some imaginary deity can be bribed by the sight of blood.. before getting too judgemental does it remind you of anybody?.
breakfast of champions
Speaking of Solomon. . . . .
One of my favorite parts of "Atheist's Book of Bible Stories." Here's an excerpt:
King Solomon was a very devout man. He also liked to do things in big ways. Take, for example, the sacrifice that he offered up during a festival:
“Then the King and all the people offered sacrifice before the LORD. King Solomon offered as a sacrifice twenty-two thousand oxen and a hundred and twenty thousand sheep.” - 2 Chronicles 7:4,5
Now, let’s pause for a moment and let these numbers sink in. According to verse 9, this festival lasted seven days. That means that one animal was killed every 4.3 seconds, day and night, for a week.
Let’s look at it another way. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, an adult sheep would weigh between 80 and 400 pounds. Let’s take an average size of 200 pounds. Oxen come it at around 900 pounds. This means that Solomon slaughtered 43.8 million pounds of animals.
This would be a pretty big pile of animal. If the animal carcasses were stacked, with no wasted space, it would make a pile of 3.9 million cubic feet, or, a pile 5 feet high, covering 18 acres."
Mass Slaughter of Animals in Hindu Festival
by cofty inthousands of animals have been slaughtered at a religious ceremony in nepal.
the gadhimai festival takes place every 5 years.
apparently some imaginary deity can be bribed by the sight of blood.. before getting too judgemental does it remind you of anybody?.
breakfast of champions
Wow. I would love to share this with my BIL.
Animal sacrifice to Hindu god - disgusting and immoral.
Animal sacrifice to Hebrew God - Oh what a sweet-smelling odor ascending to Jehovahs nostrils!
BTW - I could imagine a future Jehovahs Trumpet article on this!
Any elders out there? How to Local needs talks work?
by Letts Party inso a local needs talk was lovingly given at our hall last week that i'm positive targeted me specifically.
it had to do with missing meetings for work.
they even had a demo on what we should do if our boss asks us to stay overtime on a meeting night (basically say "no" and risk losing your great job which you have no desire whatsoever to lose)... so i'm aware that there's a sort of protocol the elders follow when someone in the hall needs to work on something.
breakfast of champions
When I was a kid/young teen-ish, people were getting DFd left-and-right for "fornication."
How would I know that?
The announcement of the DF was made, and right after - sometimes that very night or a week later -- a "local needs" was given by the PO on fornication.
In fact, this particular PO became known for these guilt-inducing local needs talks. Hell, I hadn't even seen a naked woman or kissed a girl and I felt guilty by the end of these talks.
Funny, though, is that when this PO was eventually DF'd for cheating on his wife, there was no local needs on "adultery."
Local needs exposing your private "sins" if your just a crummy ol' publisher; silence when it's the PO. Funny how that works, eh?
Also funny how the society finds it impossible to warn the congregation that someone was DFd for being a child molester. . . . . We always knew who was fornicating. . .. . .
Leave it in Jehovah's Hands - Your thoughts?
by berrygerry inleave it in jehovah's hands.
is there a more disgusting phrase in jw land?.
the abuse, harms, thefts, suicides, family destruction - leave it in jehovah's hands.. why would anyone with a more than 2 neurons say, "oh that makes sense," we do not need to change or intervene in any way.. sooner or later, god will take of things.. .
breakfast of champions
If the WTS believed that they wouldn't need the bank of lawyers they have.
BLONDIE already summed up my sentiments exactly.
If you're the victim, Wait on Jehovah, i.e. Do nothing and shut up.
If you're us, use all the legal firepower at your disposal to fight it.
by Atlantis instates he is a jehovah's witness near the end of the article.. .. ).
.. .. atlantis.
breakfast of champions
"I am proud of our department in that we have different races, sexual orientation, different ages and gender," Green said. "When you are a microcosm of the people you serve, people are more trusting of the department — regardless of who is at the helm."
I'd like to hear him repeat this in front of Tony the Turd.
Elder Appointments
by MaybeSo indoing some research as to what qualifications someone needs to meet to become an elder, i came up with one conclusion: it's who you know and is very subjective.. funny thing is too, if you searc the wt online library there are not recent articles that describe and outline the requirements.
which makes me think that there were too many requirements and as we all know, it is based now on how close you are with the current co and not necessarily on being a model jw in the congo.
so the borg decided to leave it up all to the co and not tell the rest what to look for on these appointed men.. you could do your hours, be early to the meetings, be prepared, keep your car and house clean, family in good reputation, etc but if you are in the circle then you can forget it.
breakfast of champions
When I was "reaching out" for elder, at one point there was a hangup over field circus. Yes I was out 12-14 hours a month, but I had no VISIBILITY (I had two bible studies at that point).
So it doesn't matter whether you actually accomplish anything in your ministry (like conduct a couple studies). . . .. you just need to make sure you APPEAR to be doing stuff.
Like Jesus said, "By this you will know that they are my disciples, that they have very good VISIBILTY."
Have you listened to the new JW Podcast show?
by God_Delusion inhi guys,.
we've released a brand new jw podcast episode!
listen to it here -
breakfast of champions
Yes! At least I have through the Karen Morgan interview--- quite compelling. I will share with my wife tonight.
Again, you guys do an absolutely outstanding job. Each time I listen to an episode, I'm impressed all over again.